Living Grace Waco
Sunday Morning: 10:30am Sunday Evening: 6pm Thursday Evening: 7pm
At Living Grace Waco, We Believe the World is being Redirected
and We are entering into the Greatest Move of God Ever!
God is at work in the earth and in His Bride ~His Church! Our beginning in 2019 started with a group of believers who stepped out of the discontent of religious traditions and have responded to a supernatural call that #ThereIsMore!
Together, we are purposely setting an atmosphere of expectancy by preaching and teaching faith in the finished work of Jesus! We further equip Believers
to know who we are in Christ and inspire each other to fulfill our personal call
to the world around us. We purposely choose to give God room to be GOD
~around us, in us and through us!
God is at work here!
​If you are looking for a church family where You can experience
Acceptance in God's Grace, the Truth of His Word that spurs real growth
and the moving of the Holy Spirit,
Our Vision
Bringing the living grace and truth
of God's Word to all people.
Our Purpose
To equip people to know who they are in Christ and to inspire those who are willing to fulfill their personal call to the gospel in service to others.